It is said that every tourist in London comes out for the changing of the guard. They were all there. I counted. The main reason to attend this function is because everyone does. It is much like attending a parade in Phoenix. There are so many people and it is so uncomfortable it really made me wish we had spent our short time exploring what else London had to offer. Our guide book was dead wrong on where you want to be located to view the ceremony. It said to get there early and get a position on the center monument (where these pictures were taken from). In reallity, you need to camp out (perhaps starting the night before) to get a spot along the palace fence. From what we could see there was nothing here that should attract such a huge crowd. As a species we thrive on the mundane.

The view from St. Pauls was actually better than that from the London Eye. Unfortunately the upper golden concorse was closed but the stone concorse offered a great panoramic view of the city. Our son claims that he counted more than 120 cranes and I believe him. London is a growing city.

I eat rubbish. Hey! English food isn't THAT bad.

We took the tour of Shakespears Old Globe Theater (rebuilt in 1999 in a relocated area). The tour was worth the time and money and the guide was intresting enough to hold the intrest of the children for the full 40 minutes.
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