Wednesday, July 01, 2009


We arrived from big city Vienna to the very small town of Osice (pop ~500). Here we are picking cherries just outside of our friend's town. Very very tasty!

We visited a local museum in a neighboring town that displayed many of the jobs people have traditionally worked. For us, the most interesting thing that Petr told us about was the Easter egg tradition. Girls will hand paint fancy eggs. Boys make a special stick out of a fresh willow tree branch. The boys will go to the girls' houses and sing a special Czech song that Petr sang for us. It basically says "You must give me a fancy colored egg!" The boy must then hit the girl on the butt with the stick and she gives him an egg. This was all very strange and interesting to us. I still do not quite understand how the dynamics work in this. Petr says that the closest thing we have to this would be trick-or-treat.

Our daughter really enjoyed getting to spend some time with Pavel and Wendy's daughter.

Only two more days of school left for Czech students. Pavel and Wendy's children demonstrate how they are currently feeling about school.
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