Sunday, March 08, 2009

Changing of the Guard

We have watched the changing of the guard in London, Prague and now in Lima.  I have to say that the display in Lima was the least crowded and by far the best.  The presentation went on for a long time (45 minutes).  After having staked out good seats the kids were ready to leave after 20 minutes.  I felt like quite a heal for leaving before the best part of the show.  We went to the south side of the Plaza with a balcony view of the Plaza and palace.  After a few minutes the whole procession left the palace to circle the plaza and stop under our balcony.  We felt like we must have had some great forsight to have "planned" it so well.

1 comment:

mmichele said...

So glad I found your blog! I am looking forward to hearing more about Peru! We leave for London on Wednesday and I am frantically trying to catch up all our details.